Blue Sky Farm

My blogging posts and photos are part of me . I think of this as a scrapbook of my life. The names have not been changed.. they are real people who have crossed my path along my journey. Some I know intimately, my family and friends. If their names are mentioned it's a sure sign they are special to me and I love them dearly...come along see for yourself, perhaps you know some of them too..

April 15, 2009

Pullets are growing quickly

Our chicks are really growing, I went out to Gails' this morning to meet with the charming chicks hen party for a craft a nice lunch meeting. We have two new gals interested in joining our flock. We worked on our Chapter Journal and just had a nice chat time. I had to go see my chickies and take their photo. I want to bring them home as soon as I can.. but need the weather to be a bit warmer & make an area for them in the coop. All but 4 of the Buff orphingtons are ours. They have really grown and look very good. Gail has done a great job as their Nanny.. and I am sure she will be happy to move her chicks also into a permanent coop that her husband is building. Our weather is warming this week up into the low 70's by next week. We have our truck load of soil coming Next Monday so perhaps we can move the chickens & start the garden by end of the month.

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